Thursday, January 31, 2008

Critique of "Germania" by Adolf Hitler

Hitler portrays “Germania” or Germany as a woman clothed in costly silk shawl. Germania is like unto a graceful, attractive, elegant, and fertile woman. The expression on her face is carefree and relaxed, showing no distress or worry. Her clothes are light and flowing as she enjoys a pleasant breeze.

Point: He is attempting to reinforce Germany’s supposed greatness and wealth in an effort to arouse the people into national unity and strength. Essentially, whatever will increase the German people’s pride and confidence will strengthen the nation as a whole.

Audience: Germans in 1912

Organization/execution of argument:

Ethos: Hitler uses a figure not unlike the flowing-robed statues made by Greek and Roman artisans anciently, including facial structure and style of clothing. The figure reminds the observer of female deities in the ancient pantheons. He attempts to justify his argument by recurring to well-established, acceptable artistic themes.

Pathos: By portraying Germany as a goddess flourishing in luxury, he incites the people to nationalistic pride. They associate their current nation and state to the republics and empires of antiquity. They also feel that Germany is rich, fertile, and beautiful, with a bright future in the outlook. Even though the woman’s environment is not shown in the illustration, a gentle, cool breeze seems to be flowing toward her, as her loose, apparently comfortable robe lifts in the air; this makes the observer feel that Germany is a hospitable, pleasant environment.

Logos: In 1912 Germany was under the imperial rule of William II, during which reign William’s aggressive foreign policies left Germany more and more isolated from the rest of the world. Tensions in middle Europe eventually escalated to a boiling point, at which the first shots of World War I were fired. Germany was not necessarily living in the lap of luxury, although it was not destitute as it became in later years. Hitler’s portrayal of Germany may not be completely accurate according to the socioeconomic circumstances of the era, yet other nations have envisioned themselves as noble, feminine forms themselves to underscore their strengths (such as the US and France).


Despite Hitler’s attempt to display Germany as a feminine figure of beauty, he was never very skilled at illustrating animate, moving objects. Although he was very skilled at still illustrations, figure forms were never his forte, and he was not accepted into the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts because of his poor figure form skills. This figure itself, when examined closely, does not exhibit highly feminine forms. The arms, for example, are not slender as women’s arms were and are considered to be. The face is wide, and the only semblance of femininity is the long, flowing hair and the accented eyelashes.
Even though Hitler did play a grand role in uniting Germans leading up to World War II, this painting has gone largely unknown. Art critics denounce it as mediocre and unrefined.

WATCO portraying Germany as successful and bounteous ON the overall morale and unity of the German people (of 1912)?

Anything which improves the appearance of Germany will lead to greater morale and nationalistic unity among the Germans themselves and will strengthen the state.

Sufficient- It was not sufficient enough to have an influence on Germans in the pre-WWI period because it went largely unnoticed. Hitler's ability to draw humans was mediocre at best and, therefore, received little attention from any art-viewing crowds.

T- What does T stand for again? For some reason I didn't write it in my notes.

Accurate- The work is of a woman, and women do exist, so the work in one way is "realistic." There certainly are women who have similar body compositions to the imaginary goddess depicted, though her features are not accurate when compared to paintings of the same ilk. The idea that Germany was "footloose and fancy free" without a care in the world, living in the lap of luxury, was largely false. Germany was not destitute, though it was by no means the most powerful country in Europe. As stated before, William II was driving Germany more and more into isolation, both culturally and economically, from the rest of the world.

Revelant- The fact that dischord existed among the Germanic communities is evident through history. Unification of the many tribes and villages would indeed assist in stabilizing and strengthening the region, so the issue argued is very relevant.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I must say that I am annoyed with people who really have no idea of what is going on with the election, what the candidates stand for, and their past decisions. I was at work the other day, and this buddy of mine started "pontificating" on the election. He said, "I want either Romney or Obama to win. Hillary's stupid, McCain is an idiot. I know Obama will beat Hillary. He's up like two points in every state against her." I refrained from speaking, though I wanted so bad to point out how illogical and presumptuous his analyses were.
Obama and Romney are nothing alike in the political arena. There is too little space to discuss the issues here, but it would be well to read and compare their statements about immigration (worker programs, deportation, border fences, amnesty), healthcare (privatized or universal), homosexual marriage, stem cell research, the economy, military involvement in the Middle East...?
According to polls on, Utahns, were they "forced" to vote for a Democrat, overwhelmingly would vote Obama. Why is that so? Is it because he is better qualified to be President than Hillary? Would he serve more effectively than her? I really think that they vote for him because of his personality. He is a very warm, friendly kind of guy, the type you could just go up and talk to. Hillary, many argue, is the polar opposite. She is, however, an extremely intelligent woman. She has had a lot more time in Washington and much more experience in foreign affairs. Obama is a junior senator from Illinois who has been in office three years.
I believe many here will vote for Romney because he is a snazzy-looking Mormon. I do not call into question his ecclesiastical faithfulness or say that it is a bad thing to be Mormon. Being a conservative, white, 20-something Mormon male, I am inclined to give him the preferential ear. What other reasons does anyone have to vote for him? Who has taken the time to investigate his past decisions and policies?
I must disagree with the statement about John McCain also. He is definitely not an idiot. He is extremely experienced and has taken many across-the-isle efforts and has inked many bipartisan bills. Is he an idiot because he cheated on his wife years ago? Is it because he has dared to work side-by-side with the likes of Ted Kennedy on certain issues? What are McCain's stances on the pertinent issues now?
Oh, has anyone looked at the polls tonight? Hillary won with 50% of the vote in Florida. Two points in every state, eh? Riiiight.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Rhetorical Analysis for Jeffrey Brand's article

Well, here goes nothing. (There's no guarantee that any of this will make sense or be high quality)

1. Argument:

The United States should not restrict rule-of-law education funding to Cambodia.

2. Target audience:

The United States government (though the article is addressed to the everyday reader of the Washington Post).

3. Organization/execution of argument:

Though the author does not explicitly state his standing as a law professor at USF, he does show some grasp of Southeast Asian history. He presents several statistics and explanations thereof, and he also quotes at least one other source to support his claim. He shows the benefits so far of rule-of-law education funding in Cambodia and how such education will enable the Cambodian people to maintain their own democracy in the future.

Ethos- As previously stated, Brand consults other sources, such as an Asian Wall Street, which in turn used the words of a US government official. Through this effort, Brand attemps to formulate a formidable, informed, and influential argument. Despite the apparent breadth of his argument in favor of rule-of-law education funding, Brand devotes about one small paragraph to explaining the other side of the argument. Nonetheless, Brand is indeed working through a small medium and must make all of his intended points openly visible for the audience.

Pathos- Brand recalls the Khmer Rouge debacle involving 2 million murders of educated Cambodian citizens. Such a citation will evoke at least some feeling of social injustice and tragedy within the reader. Brand uses that massacre to show the greater need for rule-of-law education funding, almost in a way to "right the wrong" that the Communist regime committed and assist the current Cambodian masses.

Logos- Brand presents a relatively logical argument. He shows the numerous "benefits" of perpetuating education funding to Cambodia. He shows that whatever will educate the citizens regarding law and government will one day result in a stable democracy run by the Cambodian people and not one dictator.

4. Effectiveness of article-
Brand's effects are hard to gauge. Although the common newspaper reader might be persuaded by Brand's argument, there is no guarantee that the US government would/will react in the exact same way. In 2007 the United States did earmark $15 million to fund rule-of-law education in Cambodia. While Brand's goal may have been met, the probability that the US government adopted that policy solely because of the article is low.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Brief Rumination on My Life

I spend too much of my life in Macey's. I worked this morning after my Linguistics 490 seminar until the Irish Dance class I have at 4pm with my wife. After dancing and fast food-ing, I returned to work for another two hours to get some more work hours for the week. My wife arrived at the end of my shift to pick me up to do grocery shopping. Where did we shop for groceries? Yes, you guessed it- Macey's. Fortunately tomorrow I don't have to work, but Thursday is when I arrive at 4:30am and work until 3:30pm (with one break for a class to break up the monotony). I will probably end up at Macey's tomorrow, anyway. I don't know why yet. That place just kind of sucks the soul out of me, keeping me returning every single day except Sunday. Macey's is not that bad of a place to work for, though. The people with whom I work are, for the most part, very nice and easy going. The in-store baked doughnuts are also very friendly, though I have tried to restrict my time with that raucous band of trans fat, cholesterol, saturated fat, and simple carbohydrate-soaked goodness. I used to "roll" with the bananas, apples, and romaine hearts, but I no longer claim the Produce department as my stomping ground. I now work in the Scanning department, "chilling" with hot, distempered computers and decorating the shelves with price labels and signs. I also get to scan products with a special radiation gun that, if engaged on a human, will cause the victim to grow a third eye on his backside. The radiation gun makes bananas bigger, tomatoes juicier, milk whiter, toothpaste tastier, sponges spongier, cheese cheesier, doughnuts more dense, and UPC's and merchandise prices more accurate.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

I saw the weather report and learned that there was a 100% chance of snow tomorrow morning (Monday). I can't say how excited I am. I say this earnestly, not in gest. For some reason the snow awakens the little child in me, and though I cannot often play in the snow, I become nearly giddy when I see it falling. I don't know exactly why I react that way. I really hate driving in the snow and trying to push my son's stroller uphill in it. However, I think it comes from my childhood in Georgia. I awaited any snow report with baited breath, because in Georgia, everything shuts down when the word "snow" is mentioned on the news. Atlantans do not know how to drive in icy conditions, and there is, like, one snow plough in the entire state. Atlantans also have an insatiable craving for milk and bread before it snows. Everyone thinks they will be "snowed in" and unable to leave their house for at least a week, and apparently milk and bread are the prescribed food for such catastrophes. There was only one time in my life when we were actually unable to drive for a while. That was the Blizzard of '93. It snowed about half a foot in my neck of the woods, and though that is like nothing here in Utah, it was a new landmark in snow accumulation. Though Georgia does not have a lot of snow, it can get a large amount of ice. The ice brings down power lines and makes streets untraversable. We were without power for a week, and there was, of course, no school. To make things even more interesting, this was in the middle of MARCH. It NEVER snows in March in Georgia. Finally on Sunday night we decided to spend the night in the local Days Inn where there was power and heat. Did I regret the fact that I prayed and hoped for snow and received that desire of my heart? Not a bit....

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Some enthymemes...

WATCO spending about $120.00 on a rocking baby chair that plays music and nature sounds ON your success in college?
College-attending parent (or spouse thereof) of an infant
Someone who has the financial wherewithal to buy a chair of that price
Someone who needs to improve or maintain grades in college courses

Spending about $120.00 on a rocking baby chair that plays music and nature sounds will improve your success in college B/C the chair will entertain and/or put your child to sleep, allowing you to successfully study and do homework assignments.
Whatever will allow you to successfully study and do homework assignments will improve your success in college.

Okay, this next enthymeme may not be all that applicable, since nobody even thinks about eating an entire box of doughnuts each morning of the week.

WATCO eating an entire box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts each morning of the week ON your health?
Someone who can eat doughnuts
Someone who is concerned about health
Someone who has an available Krispy Kreme nearby
Someone who has time in the morning to eat doughnuts
Someone who is willing to eat breakfast

Eating an entire box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts each morning will be detrimental to your health B/C your LDL cholesterol count and calorie intake will increase to excessive levels.
Anything which will increase your LDL cholesterol level and calorie intake to excess will be detrimental to your health.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


It's 12:03am, technically, and I wonder why I am not in bed. I just got done putting my almost six week-old son to bed after he had been awake for literally twelve hours (something very unusual for a newborn). He just seemed to be craving attention and pampering. That is not a bad desire by any means, especially for one so utterly dependent upon his parents. However, today he just seemed to be needy beyond belief. My poor wife passed out on the couch a couple hours ago, and I basically spent the last two hours on my feet holding him and trying to woo him to sleep. He fights sleep with all the strength he has in his little body, though I am sure he finds sleep quite the restful repose from his busy day's activities.

Usually by this time of the night I am exhausted (if not in bed already). However, I felt inspired to start writing. Maybe it is because my normal inhibitions begin to fade into dreamland as I make my final approach to sleep. My wife and I are each taking a full load of classes this semester, I am working around 40 hours a week and waking up at 4:30am to do so, and she works part-time teaching English to the foreign missionaries at the MTC. We are now trying to juggle this infant while carrying out all other responsibilities. However, he is the greatest responsibility we have outside of our own conjugal commitments.

He has really put up a fight in classes this week, so we are trying to find someone to watch him during the day. Some wonder why we decided (of our own free will and choice) to have a child at this point in our lives. I sometimes wonder that myself, though I remember very clearly the fateful direction the Lord gave both of us at the same time. We knew that that desire was right and proper at that very moment. With this new "bundle of joy" in our arms comes a slew of responsibilities and obligations. The stress sometimes makes us want to scream in desperation, yet when my wife and I see our son smile and hear his rudimentary attempts at oral communication, all frustration, anger, desperation, and isolation all seem to be whisked away as the "hoar frost before the morning sun." One could term it "a contagion of contentment," yet contentment does not do it justice. What for him is physical and emotional contentment becomes pure love for me. It always touches me when his eyes light up, his toothless mouth gapes open in a smile, and he emits a joyful coo approaching laughter to me, his father.

I could continue at length, and perhaps if it were not so late I would go on. However, there is a time and a place for everything, and my place is now at my wife's side and near my child in the other room.

Monday, January 7, 2008