Thursday, April 3, 2008


Okay, I've decided I really don't have an enthymeme after all. I can't come up with any really good idea of how to resolve my issue. I'm at a complete and utter blank. This is quite the inopportune moment for it to happen, also, since tomorrow is Enthymeme Day. I will have to leave early because of some wacky geology field trip I need to go on (trust me, I wasn't planning to leave early because of enthymeme lack- my work schedule changed, and I couldn't go with the group on Saturday as I originally planned).
Hmmm, since the pharmaceutical companies supposedly don't like prescription drugs from other countries, what could be done to help curb that? For me, it would help if I could get some sort of discount while going through the waiting period before a new insurance company's plan would cover my meds. If I have to wait that long, I am still going to get my drugs from somewhere. It would most likely be Mexico. If they don't want me doing that, I could get a reduced price on the medicine so that I will still buy it here. I mean, even if it still ends up being a bit more than the Mexican price, per se, I would be willing to pay it here in order to avoid the hassle.
I'm just rambling, and I don't care that neither this nor the last entry qualifies as FW, TA, or RA (or whatever the categories for entries are).

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